Eleven (or so🐯)Layers of Silky Love

…!!had a bit of spirited fun with a classic #Flay dish…

Loose-knit Recipe:

Dry: *Garlic, *shallots, *leeks, scallion, *red onion <<to taste &*thin-sliced potato rounds (enough to layer a  ‘greased’ 8.5″ x 11.5″ x 2″ baking dish ) ….S&P (rubbed dried pineapple sage, tarragon, & lemon thyme leaves for finish)

Wet: *1/8 c. lager, *@10 0z. coconut milk, @ *1c. cream or half & half, 1/4 c. mascarpone

Cheese: *shredded jack, *parmesan, and *gruyere blend

Layer: potatoes with dry ingredients and cheese blend.. (salting & peppering alternate layers of potato..)

Fill:  start with a pour-over of lager; dollop mascarpone across bake, then pour coconut milk & cream just to cover potato mixture

Bake covered at 350* for about 40mins. (depending on potato layer thickness, time varies..) Continue to bake uncovered until golden brown on top.. (let the bake rest tented to marry components before serving)

>>it’s all approximate, this one; !!have a bit of fun! (~stop asking “?where’s the bacon?”)

~This layer bake goes down smooth &silky…just Divine🌶 !b0n

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